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Our Chiropractic Techniques

We use a number of highly-effective adjusting approaches to help improve spinal biomechanics and reduce nervous system interference. The approach we use is based on our clinical judgment and years of experience

The primary adjusting techniques we use include:

Chiropractic adjusting image

Think of an adjustment as “tuning” a piano, adjusting each string so it produces the perfect tone.

Palmer Package

The Palmer Package is a variety of techniques taught at the Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa, the birthplace of chiropractic in 1895.
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Diversified Technique

This is a very common style of manual adjusting for many chiropractors. Manual adjusting indicates that it is done by the chiropractors’ hands, as opposed to using some kind of tool to assist the adjustment. First, an analysis of your spine is performed. This can initially involve a case history and X-ray pictures of your spine.

With the malposition of one or more spinal bones identified, a specific manual thrust is administered. The direction, speed, depth and angle that are used are the result of years of experience, practice and a thorough understanding of spinal mechanics.

The energy delivered during the thrust may produce a slight “popping” sound from the shifting of gas and fluids in the joint. This sound may be interesting, but is not a guide as to the value or effectiveness of the adjustment.

While improving spinal biomechanics can reduce nervous system interferences, virtually all joints of the body can be adjusted to help restore proper range of motion.

The patient typically lies face up on the table for cervical/neck adjusting with this technique.

Thompson Technique

The Thompson Technique, developed by Dr. J. Clay Thompson, has evolved into a system of analysis and a way of adjusting the full spine. The combination produces precise adjustments and a high level of patient comfort.

The most well-known signature of this technique is the falling away of segments of the specialized table, called “drop pieces.” While this may sound a bit scary to those who have not experienced it, it actually allows the doctor to use considerably less force while performing the adjustment.

This dropping mechanism frequently eliminates the “popping” sound heard with other adjusting styles, and is therefore ideal for patients who are wary of the “popping.” It is also ideal for those with sensitive spines or differing degrees of osteoporosis.

Gonstead Technique

Dr. Clarence Gonstead was a very well -known chiropractor and developer of this technique, which is among the most popular in chiropractic.

While we do incorporate some line drawing analysis on X-rays for our patients, we do not use the heat sensing instrument that is common with this technique, therefore patients are not asked to remove their shirts or put on gowns for typical visits.

The most applicable portion of this technique used at Boise Sports Chiropractic is a form of adjusting the lumbar spine and pelvis (low back) while the patient is lying on their side.

We do not typically utilize the seated style of cervical (neck) adjusting that is common with this technique.

Extremity Adjusting

While all chiropractors are proficient in applying corrective adjustments to the spine, the doctors at Boise Sports Chiropractic Clinic specialize in extremity adjusting, especially those pertaining to sports and occupational injuries.
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Our unique approach to treating the feet generates frequent referrals from other chiropractors, and patients traveling long distances to receive our care. We begin with a very thorough foot exam that includes and explanation of how your feet work to absorb shock in the body. Each foot has 26 bones in it, and may have a tendency to lock up when they are unable to support the forces we put on them. Our adjustments quickly normalize motion in the joints of the foot and ankle. We frequently scan, cast, or mold orthotics to the newly properly functioning feet (not the pathological painful feet) to support them long term.

Sprained ankles are among the most common injuries in all weight bearing sports. Timely adjusting after these injuries along with proper rehab protocols can speed healing and reduce the likelihood of future recurrences of the same injury.

Normalizing foot function via adjustments and stabilizing footwear can help reduce foot pains, ankle pains, shin splints, knee pains, hip pains, and even low back pain!!


Knees are a common source of pain in the body, and it may come about with or without an injury. Our doctors will help determine if there is any significant structural damage that may require a referral. They will then help to identify the source of the pain. Perhaps the cause of the pain is coming from the low back or the feet. It may be due to standing long hours at work on a hard floor, or perhaps a knee got twisted awkwardly when playing a sport. Sometimes a gentle adjustment into the knee will solve the problem very quickly. We frequently will prescribe exercises for the patient to do at home to help stabilize their knee.


The most frequent complaints about hips involve pain and lack of mobility. There are many possible causes for this, but sometimes the solution is a quick adjustment to help restore a more normal range of motion. Other areas may be evaluated such as the low back, muscular patterns in the area, or the function of the feet.


The shoulder is a very complex joint that has many structures that can cause pain or other symptoms when damaged. The shoulder can refer to (or from) the neck, or lower in the arm. Adjusting in these areas may restore strength and range of motion to the area, while helping reduce pain. We get many positive results adjusting this commonly injured joint complex.


The ribs form a protective cage around our internal organs. There are many joints in the rib cage to provide mobility required from breathing and motion of the torso. These joints may become damaged and out of place, occasionally causing significant sharp pains. Rib issues can come from sleeping awkwardly, twisting unexpectedly, or with trauma. These may cause difficulty breathing, and can even be mistaken for more sinister issues like heart conditions or cancers. We have many techniques to adjust varying rib issues. It is a quick and cost effective treatment to rule out a cause of chest pains. However, if you are having acute onset difficulty breathing, severe chest pains, dizziness, or other significant symptoms that came on abruptly, please seek EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE.


TMJ is the Temporal-mandibular joint, aka the jaw. The jaw is a unique joint in the body that has an incredible amount of neurology in and around the area. Symptoms indicating a problem may include pain, clicking, inability to open or close the mouth fully, teeth grinding, headaches or ringing in the ears. These symptoms may arise from chewing certain foods, trauma, awkward sleeping positions, or even dental work! Jaw issues are frequently evaluated with the neck, and may be adjusted to help correct or reduce these symptoms.


The most common elbow maladies come from overuse or repetitive motions that cause pain on the inside of the elbow, aka golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis) or on the outside of the elbow, aka tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis). Elbow issues generally result in a very identifiable weakness in the surrounding muscle groups. Gentle adjusting can help restore normal strength and align the tissues for proper healing. We may also utilize therapy or taping to further speed healing for these common irritations.


Carpal tunnel syndrome is usually due to compression of the median nerve as it passes through the band of ligaments in your wrist. In many cases, the underlying cause is a misalignment of one or more joints of your neck, shoulder, elbow or wrist. Identifying the involved joint(s) and a program of chiropractic care can often avoid surgery.

Strains/sprains and other minor trauma to the wrist and hand may also benefit from chiropractic adjustments.

Custom Functional Orthotics

We specialize in creating orthotics made to your feet. We use a unique process of adjusting the feet prior to creating any functional orthotic. This helps restore the joints within the feet to normal motion before we scan, cast or mold anything to your feet. An orthotic is essentially a brace for the bottom of your foot, so doesn’t it make sense to get them fitted to a properly functioning foot?

We utilize Orthofeet, AMFIT, and Comfort Fit orthotics in our office. Each has a unique way of creating the orthotic to your feet. These options are discussed with patients on an individual basis. We like to offer a variety of choices because different orthotics are used for different footwear and activities.

ARPwave Therapy

ARP stands for Accelerated Recovery Performance. This unique therapy combines active rehab with a passive modality. This is a highly effective treatment for acute and chronic conditions. We frequently utilize it on shoulders, knees, hips and low backs, but have used it in other areas like wrists, elbows, feet, etc. It generally feels like a buzzing sensation, but is really something one just has to experience to understand the sensation. We are happy to give brief demonstrations during a consult if this option intrigues you.

Bracing and Taping

Occasionally a joint does not have the stability to maintain an adjustment. In these cases we need to use a stabilizing device such as a brace or specialized tape. We carry a wide variety of braces for many joints in the body. We typically utilize Elastikon tape, Mueller M-Tape, or Kinesiotape ( The time required for these supports varies by the type of injury or instability. It may only take one taping, or it may take up to 12 weeks of a brace for more severe injuries. Typical instabilities will resolve in 6 weeks or less for the injuries we see. The sooner we start working on a new issue, the better the chances of proper healing occurring. It is best not to let small injuries become chronic issues.

Kinesiotape is also the (frequently bright colored) tape seen on many Olympic and professional athletes during competitions. It can be worn as a proprioceptive tape to increase balance and functionality of a joint or strained muscle. It may also be used to decrease swelling and bruising.

Soft Tissue Work

Soft tissue is an integral part of the biomechanical machines that are our bodies. Muscles, ligaments, tendons, and fascia may form adhesions from past trauma or microtrauma. Adjustments work to resolve bony mis-alignments, thus relieving pressure off the nervous system. Soft tissue is required to hold these in place. We may utilize soft tissue work to break up the adhesions, thus helping to relieve pain and hold adjustments more efficiently.
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Graston/SASTM (Sound Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization)

Graston and SASTM are similar techniques utilizing tools to break up scar tissues and adhesions. Graston is done with stainless steel tools. SASTM is done with a ceramic tool set that is meant to vibrate sound (vibration) back into the practitioner’s hand as it moves over rough tissue (adhesions), helping to identify areas that need more work.
Both techniques are meant to induce mild inflammation and allow tissue to heal in a more normalized orientation. Typically a few sessions will decrease pain and relax areas with tight muscles.

Myofascial Release

This technique is a similar concept to the tool assisted techniques, but it is done by hand. The doctor will work to find your stiff areas or muscles, and use hand pressure along with specific motions of the areas being worked on. This typically will help relax spasm areas in muscles.

We also provide the following services and techniques as well: Treatment of sports and occupational injuries, high volt therapy, interferential therapy, Simulcare, electrical muscle stimulation, and rehabilitative exercises/stretches.

If you’ve been to a chiropractor before and prefer to be adjusted in a particular way, let us know. We want you to relax, enjoy and fully benefit from your chiropractic care. Call Boise Sports Chiropractic Clinic today to make an appointment!

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